Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Team Planning Trip to NEGST for 2010

We are very excited to announce that we are planning at trip to serve at NEGST in 2010. We invite you to join our team as we serve in Kenya.

Nairobi, Kenya
January 16-30, 2010
Cost: $3,000

Teach computer skills at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST) and consult on strategic planning issues facing the school. If you have a working knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite and a desire to teach, this trip may be for you. The team is also looking for 1-2 individuals with IT experience doing desktop/server support for Windows XP/Vista systems with an emphasis on laptops and virus cleaning to help the IT Department at NEGST. They also need someone experienced in designing/updating websites and several individuals who love books/libraries and have basic indexing and database search skills. Besides these roles, the team will also spend time building relationships with families at Nairobi Chapel and visiting social justice focused ministries in the area. To get a taste of the trip, check out the blog from last year’s team at
Contact: Polly Harrington, 317-345-4898